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Spot Cleaner for Carpets and Rugs

Christopher's Own ready-to-use multi-enzyme solution is designed to safely clean tough spots and eradicate odors caused by most spills on carpets and rugs. Safe and effective on high-end (including wool) carpets and rugs, our spot cleaner is great for day-to-day spots that may not need a professional's attention.  Not suitable for use on upholstery.

Price: $35

We're proud to partner with local retailers to offer Christopher's Spot Cleaner.

McLean Animal Hospital
1330 Old Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101
(703) 356-5000

McLean Hardware
1445 Chain Bridge Road, McLean, VA 22101
(703) 356-5496

Contact Christopher's at 703-289-2700 to purchase.

All pads are delivered and installed (upon request) in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.   

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